Hey Y’all

Y’all: A southern contraction of the term, “you all.”

I’m Sierra Dawne, a wife and mother; my most cherished proprium. I have a background in Psychology utilized as an Elementary School Educator, and over analyzing every conversation I have! I am currently a stay at home mom willingly devoting this season of my life to elevating my children. I like to consider myself a sidekick of Jesus, he who truly is the cicerone of my life path. Adventure captivates me and thus I have passion for nature, fitness, and health. 

Catching all the curve balls.

Teaching was an amazing experience. It was humbling and incredibly difficult at times but such a rewarding career. In my third year teaching first grade my then, boyfriend and I got pregnant unexpectedly. We made financial arrangements for me to stay home one year with our son and then return back to work. We weren’t financially sound enough for a single income situation! We had goals! But life seems to throw you a curve ball when you least expect it. In the form of baby #2!

Exciting right? Well in my family being pregnant isn’t just exciting. There are some real health concerns with each pregnancy, I am a carrier of Hemophilia A. Immediately, I had this overwhelming weight on my chest. I knew in my womb there was a sweet little hemophiliac baby boy. A life with severe Hemophilia is a scary one. Learning to crawl, taking first steps and cutting teeth, are all milestones a new mom looks forward to. These moments most parents eagerly anticipate can be incredibly painful for a hemophiliac.

Mothers Intuition

My loved ones prayed and hoped for a healthy baby. Call it a mothers intuition but I knew no amount of prayers would change him. He is who he is, perfectly and wonderfully made in Gods image.

Going back to work just wasn’t in the cards now. Undoubtably, I resolved into motherhood (X2) with blood shot eyes, a fatigued mind, and plenty of weight gain. MOTHERING, I’ve been doing just that for the last 2,555 days!


However, recently my husband had me aghast! This man had the nerve to tell me I was “lost in mothering.” PISH POSH! Honestly, I waved off his speculation quickly because being a mom makes me content and filled with joyous fervor! 

Or does it? Is my husband right? Am I waiting for an empty nest to pursue a career? I hadn’t thought much of it. What I do know though is having a 9-5 just wont cut it with what is required of a special needs mother. So, here I am, starting fresh, Embracing the word Writer…Entrepreneur.

I will make it happen, for me, for my husband and my boys!

-Sierra Dawne